Discover all of Miami-Dade County’s business-focused events in one convenient place. Whether you’re looking for networking opportunities, workshops, training sessions, or industry meetups, this comprehensive calendar brings together events from the whole business ecosystem.
Descubra todos los eventos centrados en los negocios del condado de Miami-Dade en un lugar conveniente. Ya sea que esté buscando oportunidades para establecer contactos, talleres, sesiones de capacitación o reuniones de la industria, este calendario integral reúne eventos de todo el ecosistema empresarial.
Dekouvri tout evènman Miami-Dade yo ki konsantre sou biznis, nan yon sèl kote pratik. Kit w ap chèche opòtinite pou w etabli kontak (networking), opòtinite atelye, sesyon fòmasyon, oswa rankont avèk lòt moun ki nan menm endistri avè w, kalandriye konplè sa a rasanble plizyè evènman nan tout ekosistèm komèsyal la.
Use our filters to quickly find events that match your interests:
Filter by categories like networking, training, workshops, or seminars
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Powered by Miami-Dade County and Economic Impact Catalyst. If you have any questions about our services please contact us using the form below: